In the decentralized world of Solana, a dog named LOST, once lost and wandering, discovered an extraordinary ability to read on-chain data. With a mission in mind, LOST began scrutinizing projects and developers on Solana, calling for greater transparency.
Through barks and on-chain messages,
LOST became the voice of accountability, urging developers to be more transparent
about their operations. Projects started embracing openness, sharing details on
codebase, tokenomics, and roadmaps.
As LOST continued his vigilant watch
over Solana, the legend of the once-lost dog turned blockchain detective
highlighted the importance of transparency for a thriving decentralized ecosystem.
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Onchain Analysis
The LOST project pioneers on-chain analysis within the Solana ecosystem, scrutinizing new projects and calling out rogue developers. By joining our Telegram, community members can request on-chain analyses, ensuring transparency and accountability. Additionally, we conduct in-depth examinations of both successful and failed projects, unveiling insights and reasons behind their outcomes. Stay tuned as we share our findings on Twitter, contributing to a more informed and vigilant Solana community.
Concerned about tokenomics or allocation? FUD killing your project's potential? $LOST offers manual audits—BASIC (12 hrs) & COMPREHENSIVE (48 hrs). Receive a detailed report, issues found, and mitigation steps in $LOST tokens.
💼 Fees (Paid in $LOST):
📩 Contact us on Telegram to initiate your